
Live Significantly. Help Save A Life!

Hygiene For The World is part of a Florida not-for-profit 501(c)(3). Your donation is tax deductible.
More Ways To Give
Employer Matching Donation

Did you know that you may be able to double or even triple your donation to Hygiene For The World through donation matching options from your company?

Many companies offer such options to support the missions their employees are passionate about. If your company offers donation matching, every dollar you donate to Hygiene For The World could turn into five or ten dollars to help us provide hygiene kits to those most vulnerable. Some companies will even make a monetary donation to match your volunteer hours.

How to Multiply Your Impact:
Step 1: Find out if you work for a participating company. You can find this information on your company's website or by contacting your HR Department. 

Step 2: Complete your company's gift-matching form. You may need our tax EIN: 84-3811937.

Step 3: Make your donation to No Child Hungry online or by mailing us at: 
Hygiene For The World
PO Box 1038
Apopka, FL 32703
Send us your donation receipt and your completed gift-matching form by mail or email to

Step 4: Hygiene For The World will complete the form and mail it back to your employer.

Step 5: Your employer will send us a matching contribution. We will notify you when the matching donation arrives.

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